bein bullied and harrased at school


New Member
my daughter is in elementary school. Since Nov 2014 she has been bullied by a classmate. We have reported this to the teacher, vice principle, dean of students, school counselor, school board members, the resource officer at her school. Time after Time absolutely nothing has been done. I have looked up bullying laws. What I found says 1. there is an imbalance of power or a perceived imbalance of power. 2. there is intent to cause harm or distress 3. the harassment is repeated over time. He was punished for 2 days by putting him in another class. When he returned he went right after my daughter. I also looked up types of bullying he has verbal , social bullying her. Today my daughter was in fear of bein attacked by him physically . He bowed up on her. This has caused by daughter to change in her behavior. She has anxiety, highstress, fakes bein ill, no self esteem or very little. She thinks she is ugly, fat, stupid. Today my daughter told the vice principle what he did. Her answer is there is nothing we can do. This answer is very popular with the authority figures at this school. They tell my daughter you need to tell us when he does these things. So she does. then nothing can be done. I see why my daughter doesn't even bother to tell anymore. She comes home almost everyday in tears cause of bein bullied and harassed by this boy. I know kids are to fight there own battles, but how can my daughter fight when the school wont even deal with him. I feel they are protecting the bully than my child who is a victim. I have been to her class many times the teacher cant teach cause he is so disruptive. When she had a substite teacher even she knew this kid and just bowed her head. All she could say I know I know. I know have to go tomorrow back up there and complain again. Even though I know nothing can be done. I'm so sick of bein told nothing to do. What or who do I need to contact to make this kid leave my daughter alone.
It might be time to find a new school for your little princess next year.
You could also investigate home schooling.

Have you looked into getting her a BODY CAM? With a body cam, you can watch and record her every move. A video can get the naysayers to take note.

Make sure your child knows to stay near the teacher, until you come up with a plan.
Clearly she doesn't want to anger these kids, because they might turn violent.
Make sure you teach her the one about sticks and stones.
School is out for the summer soon.

Have you gone to the press and the media?
You might want to meet with the mayor, city council, chief of police, and sheriff.
I'm sure all of those leaders and services will be helpful.

Your child is learning how to get along with the bulky, so that's a great lesson for her later in life.
Just support her, encourage her to turn the other cheek, don't argue back, no violence, just peaceful academics and obedience to her teacher.
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As a long time employee in the education sector, forget body cams, running to the media, the police (unless the bullying actually results in some sort of crime being committed)or city council. None of those folks can do anything and video taping a child without that child's parent granting permission is a huge no-no. Drawing attention to the situation on a grander scale is not going to make the bully back down and can just make it worse.

Have you contacted this child's parents? If not, why not? Schools are greatly limited in how they can act as every student, including the bully, is entitled to an education. Suspension and expulsion is extremely rare and generally not for interpersonal issues. I'm not unsympathetic, I have been there myself, but the school has limited ability to act. It also isn't clear what exactly you want to have happen. No one can force this kid to be nice to yours, expect perhaps his parents. You also are not entitled to know what measures the school might have taken already. Student discipline is a private matter and should be handled with discretion. The year is almost over so I would focus on what you want for next year, assuming these two students are even still in the same school. Perhaps different classes, or having them seated far from one another if that is not possible.

I would also suggest counseling for your daughter.
It is important that your daughter knows to avoid this bully and NOT respond to him. Her reaction may only encourage the bully more. Ignore him. He will find someone else to bother.
As mentioned above, stay near a teacher or go places where the bully doesn't go.
The above website is for an organization which is trying to solicit funds and sell a product. There is a very specific agenda and it may not be one that suits your needs. Not that some of their tips might not be helpful, but do be aware this is not from an unbiased source. Just take suggestions and proposed solutions with a grain of salt (and without opening your wallet).
It was just some opinions/suggestions as are the suggestions/opinions of the responders on this thread. The responders suggestions/opinions are all not the same. The OP doesn't have to open a wallet to read the suggestions.