Background checks and Invasion of Privacy

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New Member
A neighbor of mine found out that my son is on probation. She works for an insurance company and so has access to services to provide this kind of check. She had an outside company run a criminal background check on my son and it was performed and sent to her work e-mail. She then sent it to her home e-mail, and then sent it to her association e-mail address, and with that account - sent it on to every member of the Association Board where I own a condo. She is the President of the Board. She did this with neither my son's knowledge nor consent. Is this legal?
You can pay to run a background check on anyone you want even without their permission.

Yes, it's legal.
You can pay to run a background check on anyone you want even without their permission.

Yes, it's legal.

Correctomundo, and after you have obtained the juicy gossip, if you're so inclined; you are also free to tell everyone who'll listen!!!
Yep - it's legal. You can pay to run one on yourself or anyone else.
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