Burglary, Arson, Home Invasion Arson Charges in New Jersey

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I was in for questioning 12 months ago by police. during interrogation, they told me they had enough prob cause to arrest me right then and there. knowing i didnt do what they are accusing me of, nothing happened and they let me go after 45 min of questioning. FFD to now. I got a notice in the mail to appear in court this week, and was indicted for 3 charges. what does all this mean? why didnt they arrest me 12 months ago if they had enough prob cause to arrest me then? why did so much time go by, and why was i indicted? please help. I dont understand. is this just procedural, am i screwed, what is all of this. I have no prior record, have never done a thing wrong in my life!!!
my car was stolen, and found burnt by police. regardless of the charges, im trying to figure out is why didnt they arrest me 12 months ago when they had me in for questioning and supposedly had enough prob cause? why did so much time go by to only be indicted now?
usually, to gather evidence. Perhaps they needed to get witnesses, sounds like put them before a grand jury, etc. Maybe there was some lab work that needed to be done that takes time, and an outside lab. . .

That's why I asked what the charge is. Some would make sense to take time, other charges would make less sense. . .
are you knowledgeble in this area, or just general opinion. I know nothing about crimes, law, etc. they had me in an interrogation room last year, and let me go w. out an arrest, then file an indictment, w. out arresting me. I dont understand.... sure they prob investigated everything, so does this mean they are going to convict me? the car was stolen, they are accusign me of arson. I dont even know how to light a cigarette, let alone burn a car!
[ sure they prob investigated everything, so does this mean they are going to convict me?

Well they cant just convict you. Get a lawyer now. Can you provide a little more detail?
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my car was stolen. it turned up burnt. they are accusing me of doing this. arson. what can i say, i had nothing to do w. it but somehow they are doing this to me. i left the car one night, came back and it was gone.... why do they think i did it? what do they need to prove their case? that is what i really want to know. it cant just be their word against mine, i know that, but what can they have proving im quilty. i did not put the car on fire!
They must have some sort of "evidence" that a DA and grand jury thought was enough to atleast pursue the matter, its hard to say until you find out more. I would hire an attorney as soon as possible. Remember they have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you did do it. Just because you are indicted does not mean you are Guilty.
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i just dont see how they can prove or disprove i did it or not. they can say whatever they want, how can i dispute it? and vice versa.... how do i prove i did not do this. its fucking killing me!!
i just dont see how they can prove or disprove i did it or not. they can say whatever they want, how can i dispute it? and vice versa.... how do i prove i did not do this. its fucking killing me!!

:eek:thats the beuaty of our judicial system...you do not have to prove you did not do it. When they questioned you last year they didnt tell you any of the "evidence" that they had on you? They just cant say what they want they have to have rock hard proof that you did it. There is nothing that anyone on here can say at this point to calm your nerves, and thats understandable. Get an attorney and find out what evidence they have on you.
all they said is that the car that was stolen has a chip where only my key can start the engine. ok, true... so that means I did it??? come on. thats all they have. car thieves these days are so advanced, they can break those codes and get into any car. is my life hanging here because of a chip in a car key? it sure feels like i have to prove i did not do it
Re: help

Their key with chip argument is, interesting. You probably said something about NOT losing your keys. That illustrates WHY it never helps to say anything substantively to the police.
But, subsequent to your I'll advised chat with police, they have probably looked into your finances. Are your finances ragged? What is your FICO? What is your cas flow? Do not answer here, but gather the answers for your lawyer. Were you in deep with your car financially?
I beat a case like this for a client in Bell County. Get cracking in a good lawyer and STOP talking, for your own good!

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they are digging into my finances, which is a diff story now than 2 yrs ago when this happened. im a realtor in a recession, so me along w. many other americans are in a difficult financial situation. so a poor fica score and decline in income makes me an arsonist??? come on.... how can this be? does anyone know what is actually needed to prove arson? is it my word against theirs? i cant take the stress from this anymore. its killing me!
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