Are link or linking websites legal or Illegal

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New Member
My nephew is making good his father crazy. He has a link website where he makes money from running a forum which has members putting up links of software and pornography that can be downloaded from other sites. I am pretty sure that the downloads aren't legal but he says if it isn't on his site he can't get in trouble. Dad is worried that since his son is a minor, he will get dragged into something not worth the trouble. Can somebody give me a good idea what is the law?
My nephew is making good his father crazy. He has a link website where he makes money from running a forum which has members putting up links of software and pornography that can be downloaded from other sites. I am pretty sure that the downloads aren't legal but he says if it isn't on his site he can't get in trouble. Dad is worried that since his son is a minor, he will get dragged into something not worth the trouble. Can somebody give me a good idea what is the law?

If dad doesn't want his child to do something, dad should prohibit his son from doing it.

That said, it unlikely the host knows the boy is a minor.

Tell dad to contact the provider, and ask them to shut Junior down.

Yes, linking to porn sites, insofar as minors is concerned is asking for trouble.

Dad needs to step in and stop Junior for his own benefit.
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