Annulment due to hiding an addiction

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New Member
I was married this past October. My husband has been in and out of detox programs and counseling for alcoholism since March of this year. I confromnted him about his excessive drinking problem this past Nov/Dec because I thought it jsut started. Last week he told me while at the psych hospital for substance abuse detox, that he has had a serious drinking problem, drug use, prostitution use and some mental issues for the past 2 years that he has kept hidden. He told me that he got away with lying about it to me because he's an excellent liar and that he only got married jsut because he wanted his prove to his dad that he could get married. Is this grounds for an annulment (in Texas) or should I just file for a divorce. He doesn't have a dime to his name and has been incurring debt with credit cards from what I can figure out.
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