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New Member
i got in a car accident with my children, no car seats , no licence , and no insureance. i know it was neglegent and endangering to the life of my boys ,whats done is done. i wrecked in a different state in witch i live is it legal for them to place my children in the custody of their father for my driving neglegence
Yes, because you put your kids in danger so of course it is legal. Your children could have been seriously injured or killed. I am always reading about a car accident where a child was ejected from the vehicle due to lack of restraints.

You should not have been driving due to several factors. Why did you take the risk? You had no business behind the wheel of that car, expecially with kids.

All you can do is improve your life, pay your fines, get your license back, get insurance, and prove to the courts you should be entitled to at least visits with the kids.

Focus on taking seeing your your children and being a mom to them instead of questioning the legaility of what was done.
washington placed them with their father and his parents who have multiple charges including drug related, on their records. they live in washington, but they want to be back at home cant i have them placed in my mothers care ( i also live with my mother) in idaho, were they lived befor the accident besides this major mess i now have on my record i have never been in trouble befor with the law or cps, my mothers record is also clean
Yes but Dad is still Dad and he is entitled to custody if custody for whatever reason is removed from the mother.

Social Services should be comminucating with you and give you some sort of parenting plan/classes to take. You can call around to attorney's for help.

Have you been criminally charged with anything or convicted?
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