Advice about agreement please!!!

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New Member
Hi all, really hoping I can get some advice here.
My wife and I divorced 2 years ago. We have a 3 year old son.
After a very expensive (~30k for mine alone) period of negotiations with lawyers, and no court room, I agreed (don't ask...) to the following conditions out of fear that I wouldn't see much of my son, resulting in a 50/50 custody (not sure of the terminology, but I have my son 50% of the time)....
- I would pay his daycare ($1100 per month)
- I would pay his healthcare insurance ($300 per month)

I owned the house my wife and I lived in for the past 7 years, she lived there with me for 2 years and never paid anything. When we separated, she I got to keep my house, we agreed upon certain items/furniture in the house that she could take.
At the time of the agreement, my salary was ~100k, and hers was ~50k.

Also, I had actually paid for a large part of her debt at the time, so when we separated, as part of the agreement, she actually paid me back 2k (no where near what I paid for her...).

Anyway, the company that I work for is doing poorly, and I just received a 50% pay cut......literally.
I simply cannot afford to continue to pay a mortgage, monthly expenses, AND the full expense of daycare and insurance for my son. She basically pays absolutely nothing for him. She currently lives in a house with a new boyfriend.

I informed her of my pay cut, and how I could no longer afford what I was paying out, and she basically told me where to go...

I'm not sure what my options are. I really can't afford to hire a lawyer to argue a new agreement (if even possible).
Do I just stop paying the expenses (kind of a reality anyway) and end up in court, let the judge figure it out???
I really don't know what to do, just don't have the money..
Anyway, sorry to be long winded, I really appreciate any advice..
You need to file for a modification in court, assuming your pay cut is absolutely involuntarily.

Start by reading here:

Florida self help information

I strongly suggest you give it a shot - the worst that can happen is the court says "no", and refuses a downwards modification.
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