Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Adjudication Withheld / Sexual Offense

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New Member
In 1999 - I plead no contest and adjudication was withheld to State Law 794.05 (Unlawful sexual activity with certain minors). I was 34 and the victim was a week shy of 17 when the crime was committed, 17 and four months at the time of the court decision, and 18 and one month when we were married. I received a sentence of 1 year of house arrest followed by 2 years of probation (8 months into the house we were allowed to marry). We have been married for almost 10 years now and have 3 children.

Of course, I had to register as a sex offender and I was told that this designation is for life.
At one point someone in the Sheriff's office told me I could apply to be removed from the internet registry and possibly have it removed from my record - since then no one has any ideas about this.

1. Do my circumstances qualify me to be removed from the internet and possibly the registration process?

2. Are there any possibilities for actually having this removed from my record as my wife (victim) and our children strive to live a life without the restrictions and penalties (which seem to be intended for situations much worse than ours) that seem to come up from time to time for a crime that was committed over a decade ago?

Thanks for any thoughts and ideas on the subject!
Sex offender regis.

You were 34 and she was 17. Did you plea guilty? If so was it a no contest plea? If you plea out right guilty to the charge. Then you are stuck for life, unless you cough up the thousands for a lawyer to come before the court and state your case. You would have a better chance if you plea"No contest", with the lawyer. other than that. that's the way the law is written.
You sexually abused a 16 year old.
She wasn't 17 years old when YOU violated the law and sexually molested her.
You might appeal to your state's governor for a pardon.
Otherwise, you will always remain an adjudicated sexual abuser with a felony conviction.
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