Accused of Viewing Porn

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New Member
I was working on the computer and stupidly decided to go but it is not a pornographic website.

I got a message saying my attempt to access pornography has been logged and I will be contacted about it.

It was not a porno site, just a rating site, they got their grading wrong butI am worried I might get sacked.

Are they any laws in the UK which I can threaten my manager for wrongly accusing me if he pulls me up about this?

You likely don't have any laws to worry about... but your employer will certainly have policy that controls the issue. If approached about it, just explain that it wasn't a pron site.... however, you still weren't using the computer for legit work purposes, so you may still have a problem.
This is primarily a US website and I don't know if anyone here knows UK law, which can be quite different from US law.

In the US, you could legally be fired for accessing any website for personal reasons while at work, regardless of whether it was a porn website or not. There would be no laws you could "threaten" your employer with; employers are allowed to make mistakes.
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