Abuse of power by public officials

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New Member
Defamation of character and violation of civil rights


I need for someone, perhaps an attorney to give me an honest answer pertaining to the following:
I was a former law enforcement officer and I lost my job in 2003 after a being employed for nearly 6 1/2 years because of malicious and false allegation from the department's public officials.
I belonged to a police fraternity yet I was denide reprensentation because the fraternity deemed that my situation was a civil matter not criminal yet the chief of the department per the mayors consent addressed a memo stating that I could face criminal charges pertaining to their allegations. Ultimately I hired private counsel who represented me in an arbitration hearing that was held at the department's city hall. From the very beginning the arbitrator demonstrated affinity and partiality towards the mayor and his staff who attended the hearing. The arbitrator to no ones surprise awarded the decision to the department.
My attorneys advised that the decision came of no surprise because of the way the way the arbitrator handled himself throughout the hearing.
I contacted F.D.L.E and asked if my certification was denied and was told that I still held a valid certification because the agency did not find that I commited any crime. My situation is that since 2003 I've applied to six different departments and all have denied employment because of the false and malicious allegation from these officials.
I have sufficient evidence to substantiate that I am speaking the honest truth and that this department and it's officials have outwardly obstructed me from further continuing my career in law enforcement. I just want to know what choices do I have and who can help me. At the present time I'm not employed and making any further attempts to seek employment with any other law enforcement agencis would be futile. The defamation and malicious allegations from these public officials has cost me and my family alot of pain and suffering not to mentioned the toll it has taken on our lives. Please advise if I have an alternative and who would take the opportunity to guide me or give me some needed help or advise on this sensitive matter.
The key to any such claim will be proof. You will have to PROVE that the actions by the agency officials was intentionally vindictive and/or malicious. If they can show some objective, reasonable cause to support whatever allegations were leveled, then they may well be in the clear. Even if they are wrong, you could no more sue them for taking a reasonable action on the information as it was known than you could be sued for false arrest if a suspect is later found "not guilty."

You really need to consult an attorney that specializes in public safety employment law in your state. I know that in my state, there are different rules for safety employees in some instances than there are for other public sector employees, to there may be some grounds that such an attorney can uncover. Likewise, if they released information to the general public that was supposed to remain confidential per statute, they might be liable.

Talk to an attorney.

- Carl
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