A few problems.

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New Member
1. Right now my wife and I are still married and I haven't applied for seperation or anything like that though I'm working on it right now. I'm being held for Domestic Violence although I never hit here. It's because I broke the door The paper says I broke her door, but the apartment is in both our names so how does that work.

2. I think there goal is to make me seem like a violent nature when I'm not.... and she's the one. I even put her in the hospital one time because of that and she tried to burn down the house. I need to know what steps to take in my upcoming case.
Originally posted by Silvernix:
1. Right now my wife and I are still married and I haven't applied for seperation or anything like that though I'm working on it right now. I'm being held for Domestic Violence although I never hit here. It's because I broke the door The paper says I broke her door, but the apartment is in both our names so how does that work.

2. I think there goal is to make me seem like a violent nature when I'm not.... and she's the one. I even put her in the hospital one time because of that and she tried to burn down the house. I need to know what steps to take in my upcoming case.
Do you have a lawyer? I'm not sure why you broke the door down but that's not a good idea. If you couldn't get into your own apartment and were locked out you should call the police. Even though the propery is in both your names, would it be fair to say you might feel a little threated if your wife took an ax to one of the walls? It's not really a question of property as it is a question of imminent threat of harm. You may want to be prepared to answer the question as to why you had to break the door down.
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