30 Days to File Response Question?

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: California

june 6: wife served me with divorce papers.

june 11: i met with wife's attorney to agree on how we should split stuff.

we agreed on everything but i thought the spousal support was pretty low: $400.

she makes about $50hr...

as of today: no papers from her attorney regarding settlement have been sent to me.

july 6: my last day to file a response.


this is the kicker....

on her petitition it is check marked:
terminate the court's jurisdiction to award spousal support to respondent.

i've been seeing a legal aid attorney
& their DissoMaster says that i should be getting about $2500!

i sent a fax from legal aid to my wife's attorney
stating that i would be happy with just $1500 month
& that if they don't want to do that,
i am going to setup a hearing with a judge.


the main question is: thanks for your patience.

should i go file a response on monday
to protect myself from her petition that's checkmarked:
terminate the courts jurisdiction to award spousal support - just in case?


thank you soooo much for any help any of you can give!
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