17 yr old in need of help

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New Member
I am currently living with my biological father, stepmother, and biological and step sibilings. Things at my house are very strained and me and my family are constantly fighting. I have been diagnosed with depression and I feel that my household is not making things any better. My mother and myself have been talking about going to court and changing the custody order but i have a few questions. Since Im 17 will I have a great deal of trouble in being put in my mothers care? My mother is very loving and caring and is finicially able to support me, and if things happened to turn bad finicially I can help her since i have had a steady job for 3 years now. My father is very aggressive and insensitive, I do not feel I am getting the love and care i deserve here, all my father provides for me is a room to sleep, that is it. I live in Pennsylvania if that is any help.
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