15 year old doesnt want to visit

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New Member
I live in Pa.
I understand the age in which a child's wish to live with the other parent is . But is there an age,, when the child doesnt want to visit the parent, who is court ordered to see every other weekend and its allowed?Her father is saying she can technically do what she wants and he cant force her to come see me on my weekends.
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There is no danger in the visit. (she's been with dad 2 years now) She's 15 and always tries to find ways to not come see me. Whether it be because she has dates, spending time with friends. I just need to know should I let her be...can she be made to see me until a certain age? Or does this go along the lines of when a child decides to live with the other parent?
(I should also add, the dad isnt keeping her from me...if she doesnt want to come, he leaves it at that. Doesnt encourage/force her to come) Should she have this power?
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Children dont get to decide who they live with a judge does. First move might be to find out why child does not want to visit and go from there.
Ok. I have previous posts. And to recap my 2 girls are living with dad the past 2 years. We had signed a paper and had it notarized and sent to the courts. So they know where my kids are. I am just trying to figure out if there is anything legal-mattered here, im just supposed to let my daughter not visit me when its my time with her? I should let her be because shes a teenager and hanging with mom is "uncool". At 15 she has the right to say when and if not she wants to see her mom and its okay? Im sorry, but im having a hard time believing that.
You are free to file a contempt of court order but I think to best solution should come from finding out why teen refuses to visit and work on that issue with teen, yourself and other parent
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