Wages decreased without notification.

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New Member
I was working at Domino's Pizza here in Jacksonville, FL at a pay rate of 7.25 an hour. I had worked a two week pay peroid and the next day I was fired for calling in sick. When I got my last pay check. They had lowered me to minimum wage. They had also done the same to a couple of my friends who had quit. I asked the manager about it, and she said that the owner does it to anyone who is fired or leaves without notice. Quite a few people have told me that this is illegal. I have called the Department Of Labor, but they have not returned my calls. I need to find out if this is actually illegal and if so, where is it stated in the law so may take action. The lost wages amount to around 150 dollars. Money that I was counting on making my next car payment with, but I may not be able to now. If someone could help me out I would appreciate it. Thanks.
Originally posted by azazellee
I was working at Domino's Pizza here in Jacksonville, FL at a pay rate of 7.25 an hour. I had worked a two week pay peroid and the next day I was fired for calling in sick. When I got my last pay check. They had lowered me to minimum wage. They had also done the same to a couple of my friends who had quit. I asked the manager about it, and she said that the owner does it to anyone who is fired or leaves without notice. Quite a few people have told me that this is illegal. I have called the Department Of Labor, but they have not returned my calls. I need to find out if this is actually illegal and if so, where is it stated in the law so may take action. The lost wages amount to around 150 dollars. Money that I was counting on making my next car payment with, but I may not be able to now. If someone could help me out I would appreciate it. Thanks.
You should sue in small claims court and sue for damages. Going to the press would probably be a good idea, especially since they love to stick it to "brand names" that are committing illegal acts.

They cannot do that to you -- you agreed to work for a certain amount and that service was performed. It is basic contract law.

Are you sure that you were fired just because of coming in sick? A friend of mine tried running a pizza hut and it was impossible for him. Help was always unreliable and was "sick" half the time when they weren't. Not that I doubt you but usually the other half has a different story that could be relevant and perhaps there was a "settlement" of some type.

With the Department of Labor, you may want to make an appointment with someone. Phone calls are always a problem. And always write with certified letters. Nobody wants to be on the hook for dissing the public and that is the only way to do it right.
Call your local Job Service and speak to an "Employee Advocate". The state office is usually too busy.

In some states they have a "Right to Work" law which permits employers to fire and set wages without cause.

But your statement of "lost wages" may be untrue. It appears they have paid you the higher rate on the time clock hours you already worked before they notified you of your new lower rate. But that your new lower rate applies to hours you clocked after you were given notice of the decrease.

Burger King does this too. If you violate a written company policy, they have the right to fire and hire you at a lower rate.
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