Recent content by greatdane

  1. G

    Seeking an attorney from Louisiana

    I know there are a million attorneys i can google and just choose from, but who is top notch, what name comes to mind for any of our members that live in louisiana... thank you
  2. G

    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Shoplifting question

    Can someone please explain to me whether or not a retail store can pursue shoplifting charges against someone if nothing was removed from the store. If the tags that were on the clothes were laying on the dressing room floor when the items were returned back to the rack, does this amount to any...
  3. G

    Slander/ harassment case, need some advice

    I guess i'm not protected here either Well, it seems my postings on here have ended up on the page. So obviously some one making these searches, postings, etc. at 3:41am has either a sleeping disorder or just alot of contempt toward my father. This all began as a curious...
  4. G

    Slander/ harassment case, need some advice

    Thank you for responding Thank you Mr. Mavison for responding. I understand the 1st ammendement, I have been told it deals with freedom of speech but along the way there have been ammendments and additions and subtractions and revisions, so I'm sorry I don't have the mental prowess to keep up...
  5. G

    Need advice again. Their back at it.

    correction When I posted this question, moreso my earlier one, I posted them for my father. But for ease of explaining it I wrote it as in first person. So if there is any confusion between this post and my earlier one they were both writtent by me... Thank you.
  6. G

    Need advice again. Their back at it.

    Need advice again. They're back at it. I posted a question, it's located 2 or 3 spots below this one, about a case pertaining to my father. As I said, my father is an elected official, lately there has been a group who've established a web site for the purpose of taking shots and labeling my...
  7. G

    Slander/ harassment case, need some advice

    I currently hold office as city Mayor for a class 3 city in the state of Pennsylvania. Recently there was an attack against myself and my council alleging corruption and also pointing out that I was "dysfunctional". I tried searching for the owner of the domain but it is registered...