Recent content by bryan

  1. B

    Getting out of contract

    Depends on the contract. Hard to say without seeing it. Is there an option period? What reasons does it allow for the buyer to cancel the contract? It should all be pretty clearly specified in there.
  2. B

    Cancelling home purchase?

    If it is the seller who keeps pushing the date on you then you probably have a way out of the contract depending on the reason it is being pushed, etc. Without the addendum both parties are tied to the closing date and there are ususally defined penalties in the contract for not meeting it etc...
  3. B

    What went wrong?

    Yes what they did was legal. There is no law stating that they have to rehire you.
  4. B

    Client won't pay - threatening huge countersuit.

    Who owns the hosting the client or your boyfriend? If the client never paid then he is more than justified in taking down the site. As for the counter claim, unless there was a contract stating when the site was supposed to be available then I am not the client has much of a leg to stand on...
  5. B

    my insurance can't go up !!!

    The guidelines are specific to the municipality. You would have to call the court to find out their requirements.
  6. B

    Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication M.I.P. as a juvenile

    No you can not get out of it. Just do your community service.
  7. B

    Stolen car

    Other than hiring a private detective or trying to locate it yourself I know of nothing else to help you find your car. Honestly I doubt you will have much luck gettign it back at all. If you do I would not expect it to be in any condition to be useable. As for money, no one is just going...
  8. B

    Question about forum banning

    Have to say I have never heard of that happeneing. In the forums I am part of the usual response is to ban the account and/or the IP address of the poster. Not saying it does not happen, but I have never heard of Internet Trespass applied to forums. Generally I hear of it in conjunction...
  9. B

    Civil Suit

    How exactly did your husband become involved in this. From your post I get the following. 1) It was not his post 2) It is not about him 3) He is being threatened with a suit because of it. I think I am missing something. Was it posted with his computer? Does he own the site it was...
  10. B

    Can a company withold a check if the employee is fired for embezzlement

    I doubt it. If ther has been no judgement against this person then technically I would say they are only "suspected" of embezzlement. I do not know but they may be ordered to pay as restitution out of the criminal trial if there is one.
  11. B

    MBNA Credit Card

    Actually American Express was forced to allow banks to issue their cards. MBNA did get bought but it was by Bank of America.
  12. B

    Giving Up Parental Rights

    Contact and visitation will be up to the mother at that point. (I am assuming you are the father by your post). You will have absolutely no say becasue you will legally no longer be a parent. You will have to give up your rights voluntarilly or have them revoked by the court before the "new...
  13. B

    Check had "Stop Payment" without good reason

    Sounds like you have a case. You might want to do some research on "holder in due course" as that is what this would fall under.
  14. B

    Need Professional advice

    I may be misreadign it but it reads to me like he reposessed the CD player already so has both the CD player and the $100.
  15. B

    please help me

    It would not hurt to get something from him in writing. It may help you with the complex. Realize that he does not have the ability to absolve you of responsibility to the apartment complex though. If your name is on the lease then you are responsible.