What can I do????

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New Member
I have a wonderful 4 year old little boy from a previous man that I did not marry. At first he had no interest in seeing his son no matter how much I asked. We basically agreed to disagree and us breaking up was for the best. I tried to work with him outside of the courts to help pay for daycare, diapers, and formula. I told him he didn't have to pay me just pick up some of those things and we'd call it even, or he could pay the daycare a quarter of the costs. Well, that never worked out. I think he bought one pack of daipers and on can of formula. So, I filed for child support and shortly after he filed for visitation rights. So, for the past 2 years we have had a custody agreement. He only has visitation rights and is to get our son every other weekend. He'll get him some weekends and usually a part of a holiday like christmas but never on the "party" holidays like New Years or the 4th of July. I used to call and just check but most of the time he ignores my calls. For the past 6 months my son begs not to go when it is his time to go with his dad. He cries sometimes and I have to coax him into going only because I have a court order that says so.
Anyhow, when my son goes on the weekends he comes home with underwear that smells like urine, greasy hair, teeth that haven't been brushed, smells worse than a dirty foot..and often says I didn't eat lunch today. Last night he said out of the blue and said mom I learned a new word @$$hole!!! Unlce so and so told me that but I'm only allowed to say it around him. Also, he is told that I'm hated by his gram and his aunt and that I'm a b@!ch. Yes, another wonderful word my son has learned. Then, to top things off he thinks drinking beer is cool and he wants to do this just like his dad does.

When my son tells me these things I tell him you know those aren't nice words and I don't feed much into them. I don't think that my son's father is good for him. I have a wonderful husband and my son and him are super close!! However, I'm working with my son to get him ready for kindergarten in the fall, trying to teach him from right and wrong and everytime he goes it's like I'm starting over with him. I don't want to take away his rights but his father won't even talk to me. I tried being civil with him and say look we need to work together but I can talk till I'm blue in the face!!! What can I do??? Please help!! Sorry for such a long post!!
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