Want to have Kids 6 mo of year

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I was divorced from my domineering ex in 1998. We have 3 children that are now 15, 13 and 12. He is military and has since moved to Mississippi and I am in Texas. When we got divorced (in texas), I had no job experience as I had been a stay at home mom (he fells that women should not work). So the agreement was that he would keep the kids till I got on my feet, and then I would have them. Neither one of us was ordered to pay child suppiort and we have joint custody. I have had some bumps in the road and felt that it was not fair to my kids to take them out of the stability that they were in. So now that I want to, my ex will not let me take them for 6 months. I want to work with him on this. I know how it feels to not have them. Im not saying I want them all year, I am willing to share. He told me to go to court for it. My children do not want to be with him anymore. He is very contolling and is overly fanatical about religion. He home schools them now against my wishes and the kids do not want to be home schooled. I am since remarried and have a child with my current husband (as is he and he has a step daughter). My life is in order and I WANT MY KIDS BACK! What are my rights and my kids rights?!
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you'll have to go to court and ask for custody. It is going to be hard to split custody exactly 50/50 the kids will have to change schools.

The kids may or may not get to voice their opinion on where they want to live. You'll have to see an attorney about your chances of winning custody.
They are home schooled. So schooling is not an issue at all. I spoke with an attorney this morning and she said that since we have joint custody and the kids are all over 12 all they have to do is sign a statement saying that they want to live with me and a judge would grant it.....
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