visitation issues

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My ex husband is currently in the military. Our divorce has been filed in Wa state. We have 2 children together. He is currenlty stationed in GA. What is a reasonable request for visitation? Also, I have not signed anythig yet, but the parenting plan states we have to divide plane tickets when he wants to see the kids,what if i cant afford to send them. I dont think thats fair. He has never ever been alone, has never taken care of our 2 girls by himself. they are 2 and 4. He has always had his mom or my mom. whenever he did have them. His mom assaulted me with my kids in arm and now he says his mom will watch the girls when he is at work in his state. I dont know if i feel comfortable. He has anger issues.The girls dont really have an emotional bond with him. They dont want to see him my 41/2 yr old says she doesnt want to go especially because their gramma is there. I dont know what to do. Parenting plan isnt done yet he wants to see them soon. I am not sure what i should do. He has an atttorney and I dont. He pretty much agrees to things so he doesnt have to fly here and go to court. His attorney is here in wa state. help
The kids do not get to choose. Dad is dad and he has rights to visitation. Since he is militay and not his choice to be station in GA the court may have you help provide transportation. You can see if he will take a reduction in CS instead, and then he can do all the transportation. But it's not fair to expect him to pay full guidelines for CS and then incure all the expense to see the kids.
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