Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Underage + Driving

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New Member
I am 20 and live in PA
I got an underage in March. Plead guilty, the judge was great, got off with $120 fine and license suspension. I took that underage because I was guilty of it (although the cops were questionable) and lost my license for 6 months. I got an Occupational license and currently am working 2 jobs to pay for studying abroad this fall. I work 80 hour weeks. One job is a bar and grill restaurant.

A saturday night, I got off very late as can be imagined. I was driving on my route home.It was around 1am. I was very tired, as I always am. (working 8am-1am). Turned right on a red light after stopping completely, but got pulled over because there was a no turn sign. Unfortunate. Then the officer saw my "Limited License", asked me where I was coming and going to...Said I turned right on red. Asked if I'd been drinking, I said "No", said he smelled alcohol, I said "I work at a bar, it gets spilled on me all the time". He said that was believable, but I had to prove it...I did a small sobriety test, followed his pen in the air. Then he breathalyzed me. I asked what would happen if I didn't want to take it, basically out of curiosity (from my previous experience). He said he'd arrest me and take me to the station. So I took it. It read .01 then went up to .03. I just frowned at it. He said "You have been drinking, you lied to me". I just went on about how I was going home after working 2 jobs to go abroad and already had an underage, but he cut me off and said he was going to just give me citations, even though I should get a DUI. I said ok. Got the traffic citation, an underage, and a "minor operating vehicle with alcohol in system".

I'm pleading not guilty. I did research and have found that many (non-alcoholic) factors can make a breathalyzer react. I found that smoking a cigarette can make it appear that I have alcohol to the device. I am hypoglycemic, and read that my low blood sugar gives me high levels of acetone, which is read on a breathalyzer. Being hypoglycemic, I must eat small meals throughout the day. I work 2 jobs. 1 break per day. So I eat lunch, but never dinner. I'll be lucky to eat some sourdough toast around 9 or 10 at the restaurant to keep me going. Sourdough bread contains certain types of alcohols with very similar molecular structures to the alcohol those devices read. Even cell phone and police interference can mess with the device. And, of course, if it was never properly calibrated, it would be off (which is probably unlikely)

I am wondering: Because of the low reading, the fallible device, and these multiple factors statistically raising readings, will a judge null my readings as proof of my convictions? How concrete do they consider these readings? Especially a .03. I have heard that between a .01 and .02, charges can be made lenient. But a .03? The of age legal limit is .08.

Second question: If the judge still finds me guilty, is there any way he or the cop could make my charges greater, such as giving me a DUI after the fact?

I find it ridiculous that I am getting both of these alcohol charges based on a .03 from a device that could be affected by a list of other things. I went through this already, when I was very guilty of it, and do not want to lose my license again-this time for a year with no OLL allowed. I'm 20 years old. Please advise.
A wonderful thing about American court system id that you can argue anything. I often swish mouthwash before i leave my home in a hurry -that contains alcohol, so i often wondered how i would go about proving my innocences when it was easy to prove me guilty. I know this will not help you now but in the future you can request a blood test at the local police station -much less convent but much more accurate a vary good thing in your case. However i think its a bit late for that. My advice is present the list to the judge and tell him why you think you has a miss reading. Better advice would come from an lawyer though.
well i was a dui officer in another state so here is my advise on all of this. First blowing i believe anything over .02 (might be wrong) when your under 21 is illegal I think. Also If i recall correctly if you blow a .01 and then a .03 the mechine is not working properly. I forget how much of a diffrence it can be but .02 diffrence is way to much. Check with the lawyer and see what the law states on how the mechine should be run.
I didn't spell check or read over im in a hurry
Yes, I have decided to get a lawyer. He said I may lose my license for 2 years from both citations. He is going to see if the cop will drop the underage. If not, we're going to get witnesses, etc. so hopefully it all pans out in my favor.

As for the blood test suggestion...I would never go for a blood test. I'm deathly afraid of having my blood drawn, and I never have had it done. Plus, it was 1:30am and I was exhausted. Bad excuses, I know...but it is what it is as you say.

Yes, blowing over a .02 is illegal here...I thought anything over a .00 was illegal if you're underage. Is it abnormal for the portable breathalyzer machine to read a .01, then change to .02, then change and stop at a .03? I thought it was normal.

My lawyer said this case can go many different ways.
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