Trying To Establish Custody But Cannot Find Address Of Mother of My Child? Help Me!

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For over the past year I had been seeing my daughter every Thursday to Sunday with no visitation in place.

On Dec 20th, 2010 I was assualted by the person who now has a child with the mother of my child.

Since then I have not been able to see my daughter or locate her mother in order to serve her with custody papers. I am on the birth certificate so there is no question of paternity at all.

The only reason she is hiding is because he will go to prison once the court finds his address. I have only spoken to her once since then and she screamed that she would be serving me with child support which I eagerly awaited. This never came.

I tried to contact her via Facebook asking the whereabouts of my child, and why was she doing this and she blocked me.

I tried to contact the boyfriend via Twitter and he mocked me by putting up pictures of my daughter telling me they were going to change her last name, I am a deadbeat, a homosexual, and the usual low class slander.

I contacted CPS because on Twitter the new boyfriend displays drugs in pictures, alcohol, as well as brags about how much drugs he is selling in the house where my daughter lives.

CPS didn't seem to care because unless they catch them in the act it isn't deemed detrimental to the child.

CPS however was able to locate the whereabouts of my child but they cannot release that info to me for obvious reasons.

Previously I hired a PI that gave me the incorrect address for the mother of my child.

My question is what is the best way to find out her address so I can serve her with papers and see my daughter? Of any other courses of action that can expedite the whole custody process because I know it can take a long time.

My daughter is starting school this year and I want to be a part of that if possible. Thanks.
Sorry to hear of your situation. Now, Hire an attorney and file for full custody of your child. Hopefully they will be able to find her and serve her with the papers. If so then she must show up for court or she will prob. suffer a loss due to her not appearing. They should be able to track her down once your child starts school. If what you say is true about the drugs, theb hopefully the bum will wind up in jail. Good luck.
Mom has custody by default - and legally, without a court order for visitation she has never been obliged to allow visitation. She isn't violating anything, nor is she legally at fault.

I disagree that Dad should file for full custody; I think that would be an expensive lesson in futility.

CPS have investigated, and determined there is no risk to the children; Mom certainly has status quo on her side now. I would encourage Dad to get another PI and find out where Mom is living because truly until he does that, he's quite literally powerless. He cannot serve her at her last known address; it's been too long and any judgment resulting in that would be overturned on appeal very easily.

The courts certainly won't help Dad find her; that's not their job.

I do feel for OP - but once again this is another situation where had court orders been in place from the beginning OP would have had far more recourse :(
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