Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Theft of service???

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New Member
Yesterday I was arrested on a warrant for Theft of Service and taken to jail, got suited out, TB tested and put in population before being able to bail myself out.
The scenario is this:
In march I called a friend of mine to rent 2 stalls for my 2 horses. I moved my horses to her barn. I payed her $100 total for the agreed charge of $50/ month per stall. I payed her cash in advance the day I moved the horses. We had no receipt or contract only a verbal agreement. The location is 8 miles out of town. After a few days her mother asked if I would like her to throw them a flake of hay in the mornings so I would only have to come work the horses and feed in the afternoons. I said That would work well if she didn't mind. I was also gone 2 weekends and her mother threw them hay while I was gone. Near the end of the month she proposed I switch to full care @250/ month/ horse. This was more than I wanted to pay so at the end of the month I moved my horses to another barn for $35 per month. Soon after she contacted me claiming we need to square up or she would hold a saddle hostage. I went to her house and asked for the saddle back. She gave me the saddle and she told me she wanted $200 for the feeding of my horses last month ( feed I purchased). I told her $200 was outrageous but when I can spare the extra money I'd be happy to offer her something for her time she wasn't happy but settled. I then received txt threatening legal action follow by a certified letter. I never received a bill or explanation of charges. Soon after I'm cornered by a sheriff walking into a friends house and arrested for Theft of Service and held on a $2000 bond as well as my vehicle being impounded from private property.

I didn't think in a million years she had any case.

What can/ should I do?
Agree; if you haven't already, you need to get a lawyer. They will help you/tell you what to do.
I opted for a court appointed lawyer however my step father is a lawyer as well and has an amazing legal team if I end up needing them. What are the chances of recieving a settlement for my expenses and time?
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