temporary custody

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New Member
i am adopting my friends unborn son now we was told that the birth mother must sign over temporary custody. is that true and how do we do that? is a paper between the 2 of us enough or does it have to be noterised???
You must go through the courts.

Have your lawyer talk to her lawyer.
Adoption is a VERY serious issue. You must go through an adoption attorney. not only does the mother have to terminate her rights and consent to the adoption, so does the father.

You gave us very little information so it appears you are not going through this the correct way. Most states have a procedure that must be followed for adoption and a home study might have to be done and a background check.

Mom cannot just sign and notarize a piece of paper. She MIGHT be able to give you some sort of guardianship over the child, but it will not be a legal adoption. Also, where is Dad? You cannot just eliminate him out of this. The Father has first rights to the chilld if Mom does not want the baby.

PLEASE see an attorney. I sense a HUGE disaster here, and I am concerned for the child if this is not done right.
both parents are in content to let us adopt the child.

what are the next steps for us to take?
i talked to a lawyer and i also called the state adoption place for our county.
i was told that after the baby is born the birth parents have to give us temp. custody and then we would have to file for an aplication of recieving???
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