Statue of limitations on Paternity

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I have a 7 month old baby. There are 2 possible fathers. Neither are very stable men so I told them both that they weren't the father. I haven't filed for child support & don't intend to. One of the men thinks the baby looks like him & wants me to give a voluntary paternity test but he has already said that if the baby is his he is going to move here & try to be involved in the babies life & try to get joint custody. He means well but is very unstable (domestic issues in previous relationships, alcohol abuse, etc....). Can I refuse a paternity test even if he court orders one since I am not asking for child support? Is there a statue of limitations on when he can do this since the baby is now already 7 months old & he's never even seen him?
If he petitions the court for paternity, then yes you must abide by it. There are other reasons for it besides child support. The father does have the right to be involved in the childs life. He also has the right to know if this child is his NOW, and not be petitioned for paternity 5 years from now while he has missed out on the childs life.

Also if you go on government assistance, the state will also go after the bio father eventually.

If you are petitioned for paternity, failure to abide means you could be held in contempt. When paternity is established, then you will be entitled to CS and he will be entitled to visitation. You could always request supervised visitation at first so that they can get acqainted.

Of course if this does not pan out and you never get served, then you don't ever have to pursue anything either.
By the way, there is no SOL on determining paternity in most states. There is only a SOL if paternity wants to be disputed.
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