Son pulled out his hair while with dad

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New Member
My son came back from vacation with his dad for 2 weeks with bald spots on his head from pulling out his hair. The day after he came back the doctor diagnosed him with Trichotillomania. It's bad too! My son told the doctor and I that he pulled it because he was nervous being at his dad's house because his dad is always angry and yelling (his words).

I am scared that when he goes back next week that my son will come home with more bald spots. I got him in to same day therapy.

My ex has extreme mood swings....Is there anything I can do immediatley to stop visitation until someone says his dad's home is ok?

Thank you.
Is the child seeing a counsellor? You are going to have to go to court to change visits.
He is in therapy. I have all the paperwork ready for court but I don't know if that'll change the visitation?
No one here knows if that will change the visitation. Your judge will decide what's in the best interests of your son based on the information available.

Let's hope your judge agrees that your ex is the problem. Good luck.:)
yeah unortunately you wont know if it will change till you go to court and the judge makes the decision.

just thought though i'd also share with you my daughter went thru a time when she would pull her hair out that was about 2 years ago and she is almost four now so unfortunately she couldnt tell me why she was doing it since she was so young but i am pretty sure her situation had to do with stress too because at the time it started i had just broken up with her father for cheating on me with a 15 year old and it was a very stressful time for both of us she did eventually stop after a few months of him being gone and hasnt done it since so hopefully your son will stop too and i think that you having him in couseling is good it will probably help him to learn other ways of dealing with stress besides pulling out his hair. good luck
It would be better, rather than have paperwork, to have the therapist and/or the doctor testify as to the boy's condition and the cause of it. Then the judge could ask him questions and see if he has recommendations about visitation. I believe the doctor could repeat the child's words without it being hearsay. You heard him say it too, and you're a party to the case.

A third-party expert is always a good thing.
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