Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Should my daughter turn herself in or wait to be arrested?

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My daughter has a warrant out for her arrest on a forgery/fraud case. She forged her ex-husbands name as a co-signer on a loan document and the bank is pressing charges. This has come up during a custody dispute. We have already retained legal aid for the custody dispute but they can't handle criminal cases. We do not have money left to hire a criminal attorney so if the case goes to court then we would need to get a public defender to represent her. She would rather not have her daughters or her work witness her being arrested. Our thoughts are that she should turn herself in and admit the error and hope for leniency - but I have heard so many stories that even though admitting you did something wrong is not always the best way to go about it. This is her first time in trouble - not even a traffic ticket. Is this wise? Or should she wait to be picked up and have bail set and ask for a public attorney at that time. We need advice on what to do. Small town - they don't have court everyday so it might be a few days before they post bail - would talking to the county attorney - up front - maybe help keep her out of jail?
Going in to get arrested does NOT require that you plead guilty. She should plead not guilty at arraignment, then get a public defender.

She should call ahead of time to expedite the process, if possible. Also, find out if you can pay with credit card, or if they demand money order/cash.

She should know not to talk about the case AT ALL with the police. She needs to keep her mouth shut.
I'm not 100% sure about the response already given but, to start off with, the faster you do something the better. I honestly believe that she should turn herself in AFTER establishing counsel and other legal aid. If she goes walking into the station to give herself up, that would be a + in the courts eyes. Like I said, I'm not really 100% sure on this, but make it easier on you'lls selves. Hope everything works out for the best.

She can't establish counsel before hand. According to the post, there isn't enough money.

You're right, though, establishing counsel first would definately help the proccess.

Depending on what state you live in Your child may qualify for a program called " PTI" - Pre-Trial-Intervention. She will be required to pay back all monies taken BUT after completion of this program NO record of this crime will appear i.e. -if an employer does a back round check. This program is a 1 time deal for first offerenders.

Best of Luck
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