Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Released but cited later

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I didn't think I would need to come back here again. Thought it was over, but things have gone horribly. For those of you who remember me, I posted last month under "Detained when innocent." Then I thought nothing criminal was going to happen and I was upset about being detained, but now I have been charged.

I am not going to ask anybody to read the old post again. Here is the short version of what happened.

I am a male, 17 years old. I was processed for shoplifting by a security guard at a store. I was released without charges.

I bought some items at a store. As I went through the exit the alarm sounded. No one seemed to be paying any attention so I just left. A uniformed security guard came after me and stopped me in the parking lot. She asked to check my bag. I agreed. She found a CD in it that hadn't been paid for. I explained that this must have been a mistake by the checker or that something was wrong with the register and I offered to pay for it. She told me that I would have to come back with her to the security area. I tried to just walk away, leaving her with the CD. I didn't run, just turned and started to walk, but she took me by the arm and put some kind of control hold on me and walked me back into the store.

In the security office she had a male employee do a pat down search for weapons and then she handcuffed me, hands behind the back, while she did her investigation and report. In the end she told me that I would be released without charges if I paid for the CD and signed a statement that said I had removed an item from the store without paying for it and promised never to return. I signed it. She then held me until my mother could come and pick me up. She warned us that we would get a civil demand, which we did. It was for $500 and it was paid.

Again, last time I was here I thought this was over, but the situation has changed. Just the other day the police came to the house and gave me a citation to appear in criminal court. I have been charged with petty theft, California Penal Code 490, disorderly conduct for loitering with criminal intent, Penal Code 647(h), and disturbing the peace for fighting, Penal Code 415(1). I really didn't fight. As soon as she took me by the arm I submitted.

My mother is an acquaintance of the guard who busted me and called her to ask why all these charges after she had let me go. The guard said that she hadn't intended to charge me with anything, but when her report was read by the higher ups they wanted me prosecuted because I had resisted detention and tried to get away. The guard told my mother that she was sorry, but it was out of her hands.

I KNOW I NEED AN ATTORNEY and I have an appointment to see one a few weeks from now, before the court date. However, that's a long time to wait and I am hoping I can get some advice in the meantime.

Can anyone tell me how serious this is? It seems like a huge mess for a CD worth less than $20. I feel like the are throwing the book at me.

What is likely to happen to me?

Do I have much chance of avoiding a conviction? I admit that I took the CD from the store without paying for it but I have always said that was a mistake by the checker or the register.

If I'm convicted am I likely to go to jail?

Also, if convicted, what are the long term consequences for school, jobs, etc?

What, if anything, can I do to make this better, other than what I am already doing, which is going to see an attorney? Jacksgal told me to talk to an attorney about Diversion. I'll do that, but I'm wondering what chances there are for Diversion when they have charged me with three offenses.
Can anyone tell me how serious this is? It seems like a huge mess for a CD worth less than $20. I feel like the are throwing the book at me.
You mention 3 offenses! Are they for theft or what. You can face serious problems if you have prior criminal offenses

What is likely to happen to me?
Depends on those other offenses you mention

Do I have much chance of avoiding a conviction? I admit that I took the CD from the store without paying for it but I have always said that was a mistake by the checker or the register.
90% of all shoplifters say it was a mistake that defense isnt going to wash

If I'm convicted am I likely to go to jail?
Once again this depends on those other offenses and Judge

Also, if convicted, what are the long term consequences for school, jobs, etc?
A criminal record can ruin jobs, scholarships, loans etc. This will have a lifelong impact

You ask what else you can do. You might consider enrolling into an Anti shoplifting course before court. This will show Judge your being proactive always a good thing! This sites Admin has an email address for such a program contact him I am certain he will gladly share it with you
Dear Jacksgal:

Thank you.

jacksgal said:
You mention 3 offenses! Are they for theft or what. You can face serious problems if you have prior criminal offenses

I will try to clarify.

I do not have any prior record.

As to the three offenses, they are all related to the same incident. I know I have to talk to the attorney about this, but from what I looked up online and from what the guard told my mother after I got the citation, this is what I think (or guess) they mean.

The petty theft charge under California Penal 490 is for a typical shoplifting offense, theft of less than $400.

The charge for disturbing the peace is for "fighting." Penal Code 415(1) "(1) Any person who unlawfully fights in a public place or challenges another person in a public place to fight." Again, I didn't "fight". I submitted as soon as the guard took me by the arm. She told my mother that the store wanted to press charges to the maximum because I tried to leave after she told me to come inside and she had to detain me by force and they were really mad about that. She wasn't sure, but she thought that there was no real charge under California law for trying to flee from a private security guard. I guess that the idea is just by turning to walk away, causing her to grab me, I was fighting or challenging her to fight. Personally, the guard didn't see it that way, but, as she said, it's out of her hands.

The charge for disorderly conduct is under Penal Code 647(h), which says that you commit it if you "loiters, prowls, or wanders upon the private property of another, at any time, without visible or lawful business with the owner or occupant." The guard was even less sure about that one, but she said she thought it had to do with the same thing, not obeying her while on their property.

So, I don't know if they can make the disturbing the peace and disorderly conduct charges stick. I know my attormey will advise me but I wonder what you think about that.

90% of all shoplifters say it was a mistake that defense isnt going to wash

Thank you. I was afraid you would see it that way. I am not changing my story but I understand.

Thanks also for the advice about the Anti shoplifting course. I will contact Admin for email address.
No one is suggesting you change your story! You misread jacksgal. She is telling you this is common defense of the guilty! It wont be a good defense in court your Attorney I am sure will agree. Besides you cant prove it was mistake very likely. They dont need to they have you with the merchandise outside of store. Whether they can make the other charges stick wont matter any plea bargain will likely have them dropping those charges. Its more a bargaining tool than anything else. If you send me a PM I will give you the info jacksgal mentions.
Dear Admin and Jacksgal:

Sorry. I didn't mean any disrespect when I said I'm not changing my story. I didn't mean that I thought Jacksgal was saying that. I just mean that I still maintain I'm innocent even if it doesn't look that way.

Your comments about the plea bargain help me feel a little better. Right now pleading guilty to shoplifting doesn't seem so bad if the other stuff were to get dropped.

I already sent you a PM on the email address for the course.
Pleading guilty can still get you a criminal conviction! You want to talk to your Lawyer about Diversion which in most cases does not result in conviction but dismissal once you complete the Diversion requirements. Let me again explain. We are not questioning your innocence or guilt. We are telling you that a defense that relies on your statement that you walked out of store with unpaid for merchandise by mistake is doomed! You could then see Judge throw the book at you! I hope this helps. When this is over please comeback and share your story on site so others may learn from it
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