

Panda Bear

Hello I want to know if CPS can tell me who I can or cannot date/marry? My children where taken from me because I had relapsed on drugs once..I used one time and have been clean since and I've done everything they have askedof me. I am very much in love with my fiancé and we want to get married and five our family a new start. But my fiancé and his ex-wife has had open CPS investigations for their two sons nothing was done or a case was never opened. And when getting divorced it got messy she put PPO order on him and things were said. Because of his past CPS has told me that he cannot be around my children. ...Can they do this? And if we were to get married can they take my children from me even if there is not any abuse of any kind happening?
Yes, CPS can. You can always discuss your situation with a lawyer.
Short answer yes they can. Its their job to ensure children are safe. Due to what ever is going on in the life of your fiance CPS feels this could be harmful to children. You need to do as they say and discuss how to resolve this with your worker. Talking to a Lawyer will help as well. In mean time you need to do as CPS says to avoid further problems.

Dealing with Children's services | Parent Nook
Hello I want to know if CPS can tell me who I can or cannot date/marry? My children where taken from me because I had relapsed on drugs once..I used one time and have been clean since and I've done everything they have askedof me. I am very much in love with my fiancé and we want to get married and five our family a new start. But my fiancé and his ex-wife has had open CPS investigations for their two sons nothing was done or a case was never opened. And when getting divorced it got messy she put PPO order on him and things were said. Because of his past CPS has told me that he cannot be around my children. ...Can they do this? And if we were to get married can they take my children from me even if there is not any abuse of any kind happening?
Who is more important? Your fiancé or your kids?
Absolutely, CPS can and should consider who you will expose the children to when they make decisions about reunification. It is not just limited to spouses either. If this guy has an open CPS case of his own, and or a PPO, I can't imagine why you would think this is a positive influence on your children, but it is all but a guarantee that your kids will remain where they are.