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New Member
Ok so my mom has sole custody over me my brother and sister is possible for her to change my name( first and last) without the consent of my bio logical father who gave up his right to us? If you could please help me it would be great thanks.
Ok so my mom has sole custody over me my brother and sister is possible for her to change my name( first and last) without the consent of my bio logical father who gave up his right to us? If you could please help me it would be great thanks.

If your father's parental rights were terminated, then yes, your mother can change your name.

However, parental rights and visitation rights are not the same. If he only lost his rights to visitation, then no.

Here's information for you:
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SmallWorld1994 said:
Yeah he gave up Parental and Visitation rights to us, so mommy can feel free to do as she pleases right?

If you wait until you're 18, you can change your name and no one's permission is required.

As an adult, your rights reign supreme for you!
Yeah he gave up Parental and Visitation rights to us, so mommy can feel free to do as she pleases right?

Were you adopted by a stepfather?

This may be important....because New York state doesn't generally allow a parent to voluntarily terminate his/her rights unless a stepparent adoption takes place.

This means that unless this actually took place, Dad will need to be at least notified and may have the chance to object.
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