Possible internet Libel committed by me.

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New Member
I'm going to try and keep this brief.

1. My uncles been calling and harassing my family threatening to sue my grandmother over some money.

2. I sent out an angry email in a mailing list to people I didn't know about him (maybe 10-20 ish).

3. We had a massive phone fight.

4. The sheriff the next day and said he and I cannot talk to each other anymore over the phone.

5. I'm getting guff now for the message I sent.

6. The message contained many derogatory remarks that are most likely libel, the worst are:
a. I said I was going to find out if he ****** his kids. I wasn't saying he did but I'm not sure if asking such an offensive quesion is libel.
b. He had "relations" (not the word I used) with his mother in law. I full believe he did but people that know about it are mad I said anything so I wouldn't rely on them in court.
c. He was a homophobic with homosexual feelings. He is a homophobic but I can't say for sure he has those feelings, just seems likely.
d. A lot of dirt he told me himself (showing under age kids pornography, cheating on his wife ect.). Naturally I can't prove he actually told me these things.

7. I didn't really do this out of malice but emotional instability, I have bad anxiety issues and over react to everything.

8. In regret I sent out an Email maybe 5-10 minutes afterwards saying : "It was just my opinion and he's a fantastic individual."

What I want to know.
1. Will he have a good case against me if he files a law suit?

2. Is there anyway I can do to prevent anything from happening and not get sued? I do regret sending that email in anger.

3. I don't have any income or a job due to my anxiety, only my computer and accessories with it (as far as what I care about). To prevent losing these can I just give them away to someone in my home?
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