Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse Poss.

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New Member
What to do I was the driver of a vehicle got pulled over the passenger had meth and bought precursors they admitted it was there's. but because I had a prior drug charge for precursors I also got arrested and face 7to 15 for prior persistent. Court offered 5 probation with 120 treatment. I have a public defender. Should I take the probation or jury trial what's my chances
It's your decision. We can't tell you what to do but you might want to follow your public defender's opinion. Do you want to chance a jury trial?
As the driver of a vehicle there is a presumption that you know the contents of the vehicle and have control over those contents.
If your previous conviction is not far in the past and you are on parole or probation then that further complicates things for you.
There are more things to consider that you can't share here. Your legal counsel is what you should rely on.
If you had any involvement at all you would be wise to negotiate a plea rather than take your chances with a jury.
If you truly had no knowledge and believe you are innocent you have a right to trial- the case against you still must be proven. Your arrest does mean you are guilty.
Your lawyer can advise you as to how strong the evidence against you is.
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