Please help..

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I'm 17, going to be 18 in May. I was seeing a 39 year old and my parents found out because they hired a private investigator. i was told that they have pictures & videos but I convinced my parents not to press charges. I'm going to stop talking to him until I turn 18. But my question was is that once I'm 18 and I decide to start talking to him/ dating him again, and they don't approve, can they decide to press charges then?
And can any 3rd parties that know decide to press charges against him? (As in somebody other than my parents or I?)
Thank you
In my state, if your 16 you can consent to sexual intercourse, and if your 16 or older, your parents cannot sue the guy your "seeing" even if he's 18, 20 whatever. However, If you were 17 sending pics/vids, thats considered child pornography. You should've waited till you were 18 (or whatever is permitable in your state)
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