Parental Rights?

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Sure, and you could be arrested for custodial interference. And because you crossed a state line, that could bring in Federal Charges.

When they catch you, and they will, your rights can be terminated. At the very least, you will lose any custody you have, and will prob. only have limmitted visitation.(That's if you're really lucky).

Of course, if you are talking about a short trip for half a day, you would be okay, as long as no order is in place to prevent it. But, if the other parent knows, and you cross that line, you have been warned what COULD happen.
It depends, what do you mean take the cihld out of state? On vacation or permanently? If it is just for a vacation and you are not interfering with the other parents visitation time, you can do it unless your papers specifically say you cannot do it.

Now if a move out of state is the plan, that could cause some big problems. That parent will need to go to court and ask for permission to move.
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