Parent/Guarantor/Credit Card - Shut down

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New Member
I signed as a guarantor for my daughter on a dept store charge card many years ago. She was diligent until several months ago when I was contacted for payment - which I brought current. Do I have the ability to shut the card off permanently? (She can get her own credit as far as I am concerned.) I understand that she and I are still on the hook for what is currently owed, but I do not want her to incur any further charges that will further indebt me.

Thank you for your help
I signed as a guarantor for my daughter on a dept store charge card many years ago. She was diligent until several months ago when I was contacted for payment - which I brought current. Do I have the ability to shut the card off permanently? (She can get her own credit as far as I am concerned.) I understand that she and I are still on the hook for what is currently owed, but I do not want her to incur any further charges that will further indebt me.

Thank you for your help

You can close the account.

But, if you care, your credit score will take a hit.

Or, you can contact the creditor and ask them to remove her from YOUR account.

You're going to end up paying it anyway.

Taking her off the account assures you she won't be making anymore charges.

It also won't hit your FICO score!
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