Old Tenants debt. What can we do?

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New Member
I live in Alabama.

Here is my question, I hope someone can help. My mother had a tenant who stayed on her property, and did not pay. She hired a attorney and the dead beat tenant finally had to move her Mobile Home and was told by the courts to pay all rents due. The attorney has a collection department, but they don't seem to have their files straight, much more their heads straight....The are really terriable of keeping all the information in order and we have given them everything they need to collect from this tenant at least three times because they have misplaced it, includng directions to where she is living! The collections haven't collected one penny! I called them and asked if we could sell off the account for less, and I was told we couldn't do that, they don't do that.
Can't we use someone else and sell off the account for a lot less, so at least we get something? Why do we have to keep going through the attorneys collection department? They are a bunch of screwups...no kidding. :mad:
Many collection agencies require that once you sign on with them, you continue working with them. This is particularly true if the set up is on a "contingency" basis; i.e., they get to keep a certain portion of what they collect.

Keep in mind that simply knowing where the debtor lives is no guarantee that you'll ever see a penny of this money. When a pair of tenants snuck out on me in the middle of the night, I was shocked at the number of letters they had received from billing/collection agencies on outstanding medical bills. Some went back unpaid for several years. Didn't seem to bother the tenants in the least.

Yes, many landlords would agree with you.

Some tenants would not.

It often all depends on what side of the fence you're sitting on.

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