Not Following The Divorce Decree

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New Member
My divorce decree clearly states that I am allowed parenting time for the week of Winter break which started yesterday and would end on Friday after school. My daughters are 6 & 7 and have been in school only 2 years. During those 2 years their mother has not allowed me this time. Now, we have been assigned a mediator to help with another issue un-related to this one. After speaking with the mediator to make sure that I was indeed entitled to this time, and getting his approval to email her and tell her that this was indeed my time and that I will be taking this week, she refuses! Now the mediator is telling me that I have to concede and give up this week. She has played the water works and poor me routine and obviously coaxed him to her side. Are mediator's allowed to flip flop lik ethat? And what happened to my rights given to me by the court?

A mediator isn't a judge.
If you want action, take her back before the judge.
Get a lawyer and haul her back before the judge.
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