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I just found out that I have a 13 year old son. We had a paternity test and I am the father...being asked for back support...I approved (really had no choice) but it was going to be better for my son in the long run. I pay child support but am having a rough time scheduling a visit or even a return phone call. I have tried reaching his mother at home and at work but to no avail. What are my legal options and rights?
Generally back support only goes back a very limited time, if any at all.

As far as visitation, you are going to have to go to court and set up a vistation schedule. Mom cannot expect child support and not allow any visitation. Visits will likely be supervised at first but you are entitled to a relationship with the child and even probably joint custody at some point.

I suggest you talk to an attorney or fathers rights group and see how to get started.

Good luck
Keep records of calls. My husband went a year without talking or seeing his daughter. We took phone records into court. You can file for parental allienation. She was found incontempt of court. Any other problems with visitations, she will go to jail.

Good Luck.
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