My Sister needs help

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My little sister is 21 and she has 2 kids but she only has custody of the baby.
Her oldest will be 2 in January and while she was pregnant with her second child my cousin called DFACS and told them that my sister was doing drug's while pregnant and so they didn't investigate they just took custody of her little girl and gave her to my cousin who called on my sister.
Now my sister has taken over 30 drug test's since January of this year and she has passed all but one which is right after her C-section in which the drug's were prescribed.So what can be done to get My sister's kid back to her it doesnt seem right that she can have one child but not the other or the fact that she has passed all of these test and my cousin still has custody of her baby.
My sister lives in Kentucky and I live in Alabama I just need to know what I should do before she loses any kind of chance she has..

My little sister is 21 and she has 2 kids but she only has custody of the baby.
Her oldest will be 2 in January and while she was pregnant with her second child my cousin called DFACS and told them that my sister was doing drug's while pregnant and so they didn't investigate they just took custody of her little girl and gave her to my cousin who called on my sister.
Now my sister has taken over 30 drug test's since January of this year and she has passed all but one which is right after her C-section in which the drug's were prescribed.So what can be done to get My sister's kid back to her it doesnt seem right that she can have one child but not the other or the fact that she has passed all of these test and my cousin still has custody of her baby.
My sister lives in Kentucky and I live in Alabama I just need to know what I should do before she loses any kind of chance she has..

Your sister really should post for herself.
DCFS is not worse than the mob in most states. Kids generally get removed for good reason. Your sister should have been given a case plan with a chance to get the child back. How long has the child been in the states custody? When was her last court date and when is the next one? Is she employed and doing anything to stabilize her life? The fact she is young and has 2 kids (by different dads?) doesn't make her look great but the state usually eventually gives the child back if mom follows the case plan. How does your sister intend on supporting the kids as a single mom?
Duraine, I'm currently in the middle of a book about Government sponsored kidnapping by DFACS. Trust me, they are worse than the mob.
Jharris with all due respect, everybody is entitled to their opinions. Without CPS though the kids would be in even more trouble. No government entity is perfect. I am a CASA and work a CPS case. Both of my cases so far though, the child was removed from the home for excellent reasons and both kids would be dead if they were not removed. Babvy #1 born to a meth mom who dumped the kid. Case #2 child diagnosed with cancerous brain tumor, mom was in jail, Dad was not taking the child to life saving oncologist appt's. The one appt he did show up to, he was drunk. CPS took the child and placed him with Grandma.

There are always 2 sides to every story. Yes DCFS/CPS has acted inappropriately in some cases but in most, they do the best they can, especially with all the budgert cuts and work furloughs that is going on where I am. If there was no DCFS, can you imagine even more children would be abused and killed.
Well I for one didn't say that they had no role in society or that they didn't do good things. They are however way overblown, many times corrupt, and often they cause more harm than they fix. CASA's in particular get way into their VOLUNTEER jobs and become little investigators with no actual power.

I agree that there are good people who try very hard and it is a thankless job when done right. CASA's too have good people who don't ride roughshod over the process like the sheriff of nottingham. The process is generally flawed though and needs to be completely restructured.

One only has to look at the 400+ children stolen from the FLDS Ranch in Texas to see the crazy power trip that CPS can be on. 400+ children were taken at gunpoint, distributed hundreds of miles from their parents for over 2 months on the strength of what? An unsubstantiated HOAX phone call. I'm not part of FLDS and I don't even agree with them or their practices. But that case is an EXCELLENT high profile example of what happens EVERYDAY to innocent people who are harassed by well meaning, but power drunk bureaucrats in DFACS.

I am not trying to offend you. Through your posts you and BAY seem like fair minded people, but when you are talking about the custody of CHILDREN by parents who don't have the means to defend themselves, like this 21 year old girl, abuse is rampant.

In my State, I may get to head up a board that will change DFACS from the ground up. I think it's best we agree to disagree on this subject. How about you?
I thoroughly agree with jharris. My daughter was under CPS's thumb for 16 months just because she asked her OB to put her back on her bi-polar meds as soon as she had her baby. OB called CPS, CPS twisted everything we said, and we only just finally got rid of them this month.
There are always 2 sides to every story. Somewhere in the middle there is the truth. Again CPS and DCFS is not perfect. Big case out here in AZ with Walmart removing kids from a home due to bath tub pics. CPS and Walmart both acted inappopriately. The FLDS in Texas, some of those kids were being sexually abused but not all. How do you determine which kids were married to adults?

CASA's may have less power but can help a case worker who has 2 dozen cases to juggle, CASA has one and they are the only ones that actually advocate for the kids and the CASA probably sees the child more than the CPS worker and the GAL.

For everyone child that is wrongfully removed from their parents, there are 4 or 5 that should have been removed that weren;t.

We can all agree the system is broken, so how do we fix it?
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