Moved from Ca. to Or. My parents won't send kids

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I moved from California to Orgen in June 2008. I gave my parents a notarized letter stating that my kids (Dot 16 almost 17) and Robyn (15 almost 16 and she has a 7 mo. old son) could stay the summer with them. The letter states that they could not take them out of CA, can not register them in school and that I will give a 2 week notice before I send for them. My kids now do not want to come out here and my father has mentioned attorney. I told the kids that they will lose their SSI and that my grandson will lose his medical because he is under my medical. They told me that Their grandparents told them that they don't have to move and that he will add all of them to his insurance. I did go back their in June and picked up my 12 year old child but the oldest 2 didn't want to leave. What can I do.
The letter means nothing. It was not filed in court. It does show that you were not leaving them there permanently. I doubt if they could enroll them in school or put them on his insurance without guardianship or custody, or at the least power of attorney. They have nothing. Just a piece of paper. They have no inherent rights to the kids.

Go and pick them up, before they can try to file anything (not that they would win anything). If the kids resist, have a police officer assist you. If grandparents don't co-operate either, you can file charges.
However! The grandparents might be able to make a case for neglect ... after all, who was watching the 15 year old when she was out and about at 14 getting pregnant?

I suspect there might be something in mom's past that could make her vulnerable to a claim by the grandparents. However, if they have failed to pursue such a claim with the court and/or CPS, then mom can just show up with the police and take the kids with her.

- Carl
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