motion to modify custody?

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New Member
Does anyone know how hard is it to file a motion to modify custody without a lawyer? Does the judge tend to be harder on you if you don't have representation? I also did a little research in our local county database and found that the mother has 2 warrants in our county, one revoking probation for DWI and another for motion to adjudicate guilt for posession of marijuana. I really don't think she will show up to court. And in the state she lives in, she has 4 traffic ticket warrants and one failure to appear warrant. I am praying for custody because I know the child will definately be in a better enviornment and since he has lived with me he has started doing so much better in shool. Living with me from NOV 05- MAY 06 he missed no days of school. Living with his mom he missed 10 days in 3 months, I hope that accounts for something. I'm just worried because I always here how hard it is for dads to get custody.
What state are you in?

It is not imposislbe to men to get custody, you just have to prove it is in the childs best interest. It helps if you have an attorney but you can represent yourself in most courts. My fiancee represented himself at the last court hearing regarding custody/child support and was granted almost everything he requested. His kids are older though. The judge was professional and very fair.

Bring the school records with you. Instead of bashing mom, just try to prove how better off the child would be with you.

Good luck
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