Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Misdemeanor Criminal Theft 1-200 value

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New Member
My four year old son put a some makeup in my purse at walmart, I did not notice, so I payed for what I had and left, they stopped me at the door, detained us, called the police and they set a court date, I had to work when I was supposed to go to court, and they wouldn't let me off, so I went in and plead guilty because I was told it would get me the smallest sentence. I now have a 400 dollar fine from the court, and walmart also has attorneys calling me about owing them money. None of it was opened, they took all of it, including some of my own AVON makeup. I know I should have just fought it, but now I want to know how to get it expunged, or taken off my record as it is preventing me from getting a promotion...:confused:
What state are you in, and what was the statute under which you were convicted?

- Carl
Wal-mart attorney is attempting to collect civil demand. Pay it to them they will keep trying to collect and could get a judgment filed against you. The criminal part is done with. I would pay the entire fine and move on.
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