Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication mip/open container

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Lincoln,nebraska

I am 19, I recently got charged with an mip and had an open container in my car. I was pulled over for only having my parking lights on. The cop smelled alcohol and asked if I had been drinking, to which I replied, no. He gave the sobriety test, then the breathalizer. Again he asked if I had been drinking, again I said no. Then he said good and explained that I was getting an mip for having alcohol in my car. Then he gave my friends a breathalizer, and an mip because they had alcohol in their system. The cop said I was perfectly capable of driving home, shook my hand and said I was free to go.
I would really like to get this removed from my record. I do not mind having to do diversion, or community service. I would really love to go to grad school, which with an mip I could not. This is my first offense. Is there any hope of getting this expunged
from my record since I am considered an adult in Nebraska? What can I do to get it removed, if anything? Do I need a lawyer?
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