Memorial Day Issues-Controlling Ex

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New Member
My ex and I share joint legal and joint physical custody of our son (13). We seperated in 2004 and divorced in 2005. He is remaried. We have followed the SAME holiday schedule from the beginning. We rotate every holiday each year. If exceptions are made it is done so by mutual consent prior (reasonable ammount of time) to the actual holiday. My ex just sent an email, that he is now going to be following the Mi parenting time guidelines for holiday schedules, and that I will be losing out on my weekend with our son because he will now have him from Fri thru Tues. We are currently in the middle of a court case regarding modification of custody and I know this is in retaliation. Is he able to just decide to throw out our agreement, because he doesn't like the deal he agreed to? I am supposed to pick our son up on Friday after school for our weekend. What should I do when he refuses to release our son for my parenting time?
Court order only states reasonable parenting time, but a copy of our current parenting plan and schedule have been submitted to the court and was approved so by him and his lawyer.
You need a lawyer, if he has a lawyer. Otherwise, you'll continually get bullied and abused. Hire yourself a lawyer.
Is he in contempt though is my question?

Only a judge can make that determination.

But, even if he is, you'd have to get the matter before a judge for a hearing.

It could take months for a judge to rule.

And, even if he is in contempt, the judge would more than likely tell him to stop it.

You won't get a contempt citation immediately.
Well we are in court currently regarding issues quite similiar. So, I am going to go pick my son up as is the "norm" and then file a parenting time violation when he refuses to allow me to exercise my parenting time?
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