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11 years ago I let my child have a visit with her dad, when it came time for me to pick her up he kidnapped her and got an emergency court hearing in front of a blocked judge to gain temp custody and won w/o any proof. We then went through another 2 year court battle which for the last court date I went into default (I was traveling from Florida to Minnesota and i was 3 hours late.) We got joint custody, he got primary and I was stuck with supervised visits because he claimed that I would be a split risk with her.

Right after this was done and over he started to move in 11 years he has had atleast 25 different addresses in atleast 5 states. He is now in wisconsin and on his 3rd marriage and in the last 2, he just up and left to meet these women from the internet.I have over 400 emails that I have written (back and forth) where I begged and pleaded with him just to talk to her or see a pic, I know I have tons of proof towards alienation and deprivation.

When I found him in Wisconsin I also found out partialy why he did it,he is into polyfidelity and polyamoury. With this info I went to the police, who told me I had to go to DHS and they told me that it is all a matter of opinion and wouldn't even check to see if my daughter was OK. I know if I started anything in the courts up there it would be a hardship for me and he would probably run anyway. I have lived in Florida my whole life, this state is where we married, had our daughter and where my child lived before this visit. He doesn't sit still and really has no home state.

My question is how can I fight or can I in a florida courthouse for juristiction to be here. Thanks in advance,Danielle
Q: My question is how can I fight?

A: Hire a very good family law attorney.
If I had the money to hire an attorney my problems would be solved. I have had almost 50 surgeries, had to learn to walk again and have major kidney issues. I also have 2 younger children to support. I live in Florida and he is in Wisconsin that alone is a big financial burden for me.

My question is, how or can I fight it myself to try to get juristiction to my home state.If I could fight it here would be better for me because I can do alot more on my own w/o $5000 to $10000 retainers and traveling expenses. Thanks
Contact legal aid or your state bar to ask for help.

I did, they turned me down because my daughter just turned 15, they told me the younger kids need their help first.
The state you divorced in would have to turn over jurisdiction to either the state your ex lives in, or your state.

There are some attorneys that might be able to help you pro bono. Have you even tried calling around? Also are there any law schools near you? Most can assign you a law student to help you for low cost.

I have no idea how you would go about getting jurisdiction changed and doing all this. I would normally receommend you go down to your family court and go to their law library/self help section. But since your state does not currently have jurisdiction I do not know where else to point you.

Most family law attorneys will at least talk to you for a half hour or so over the phone without charging, please start calling around.
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