is this legal?

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New Member
We have lived in the same apartment complex in the same apt. for over three years now, at the time of move in we were told by the manager that we could keep our outdoor items out behind our apt. in the back area as long as it was neat and clean, now over three years have pasted now we are getting notices on the door saying we have to remove all of our things from out back. is that legal?:no:
Check your lease. See what it allows on the back porch. That controls.
I believe there is some dispute as to whether or not our back area is a "Common Area". These managers are referring to it as a common area. I say it is not a common area because nobody ever goes back there or uses any area even near there. I say it is our patio. In which case we can have our stuff out there. Its been there for over three years now. And if it wasn't supposed to be there why didn't they enforce it before now?
As previously suggested, check your lease to see if it covers storage issues. Just because no one ever goes back there does not necessarily make it part of your property.

Stop sounding like a petulant child and do what has already been suggested several times.

You are wondering if this is legal. Your contract (i.e., your lease) may spell out issues of storage.

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