Is it illegal fo fake a death notice for a person that never existed?

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New Member
My boyfriend has been studying abroad all semester. He cheated on me, so I made up that there was this guy who was interested in me. The guy never actually existed. My boyfriend and I started working things out but he was paranoid that the other guy was still a factor. I didn't have the courage to tell him I had made it up, so I told my boyfriend he had committed suicide. I called my local newspaper and listed a fake death notice for the "other guy". I know it was stupid but I didn't know how else to make sure my boyfriend knew that the other guy would never be an issue for us. Now my boyfriend's mom doesn't believe it really happened and has contacted the newspaper asking them to verify the death. Now the newspaper is calling me asking for verification. Is what I did illegal or no because the person never actually existed.

I KNOW it was stupid of me to do, but I was wondering if there are legal liabilities.

Any advice would be appreciated.


wow, honey,that is pretty funny. I wish that i had some advice for you. I guess the only thing that I would suggest, is to come clean with your boyfriend. And just tell the newspaper that your sorry, but you don't have any verification and you want to be left alone. I strongly doubt that the newspaper is going to pursue any thing like criminal charges if you dont have any info for them. I'm sure you wont get in any trouble....unless its with your boyfriend. Do the right thing, though. Good Luck.
Don't call the newspaper back.

Sounds like your boyfriend's ma is on to you.

(Thanks for the laugh!)
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