


New York
As a stipulation of parents divorce an irrevocable will giving 5 children ownership of two properties was to be attached to divorce decree along with the deeds and filed
Question #1. Should a parent remarry does the ownership of same two properties go to her?
Question #2. If attorney ordered by the court to file "irrevocable" will instead filed a "revocable" per request of a parents new partner now receive ownership of those two properties?
Question #3. Attorney lost license to practice law in NY state as a result of his "nefarious" deed. Was he not in contempt of court and liable for the 5 children's loss of inheritence agreed upon by stipulation in parents divorce ?
It isn't clear what was agreed upon and sanctioned by the court versus what actually happened. It also isn't clear what happened to these two properties. The attorney is not liable to the children no matter what. He was not their attorney and he is not responsible for whatever agreement the parents might have made, nor what a judge approved. It is vaguely possible depending upon what he did wrong that the agreement itself is invalid, but the parents would need to consult legal counsel to determine this and it is far from the most likely scenario.