How hard is it for a Dad to get custody?

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I am married to a man with 2 little girls from a previous marraige. They are 4 and 5 years old. The mother is a highschool dropout with no GED. She works in retail, so she works mostly nights and weekends. The girls stay at a babysitters until 10:00 pm on alot of nights. They live in Nevada and we live in Texas. The mother moves from place to place monthly, usually living with a "friend;" therefore the girls live/sleep in one room with the mother. We own a 4 bedroom house and have 2 steady incomes. What is the likelyhood that we could get custody?
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If you have proof of everything you just said, and you get a decent lawyer, chances would be good. You just need to be able to show that the move would be completely beneficial to the girls.. that the situation would be better for them, more stable life, better accomodations, as long as dad has a good relationship with the girls sounds to me like it wouldn't be that hard for dad.
Her being a high school dropout doesnt matter because he still had 2 kids with her and that apparantly did not bother him then??

The fact dad lives out of state is going to make it VERY hard for him to get custody. He needs to talk to an attorney but he will have to prove without a doubt that custody is better off with him. Are either of the girls in school? If nor and the girl has not gone from school to school it is going to be harder. not impossible but hard and his out of state status is going to make it difficult.
Ok, let me ask you this...I know custody battles are extremely expensive, but what if we save and come up with the money, but the mother can't? What happens then? Also, is there a way of going around expensive lawyers?
Research the law and try to get as much free help online as you can. Then represent your self. Thats the problem with the legal system.
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