How do I get him out?

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New Member
After many years of a toxic marrige, it's time to get out. My husband refuses to leave the house, in which we've lived for 10 years and have a raised our 9 yr. old son in. Daily living for us is hell and we basically argue for everything.
How can I get him out if I don't have enough money to pay for the retainer of a lawyer?

No, You really cannot force him out fo the house unless you have a court order.

I highly recommend you seeing an attorney, or going down to the courts and use the self help/law library and file for divorce yourself. You are going to have to ask for possestion of the house. Have you called around to any attorneys to see if any can help you? Do you or your husband work?

If things are so miserable, then maybe you should look into staying with friends or family until the dust settles.
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